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The way I use it, it means to settle in somewhere for a bit and get serious. I hunkered down and learned the steps for getting the inverse matrix of a 3x3 using determinants. I would never say When my kids were little and started arguing, I would hunker down in the coat closet so they couldn’t find me. @mathgent, @Thomaso808 – I don’t have to check any kind of robot box at all. I just hit the button that says “publish comment. ” When I “went blue,” it set up my profile, and I got an orange “B” by my blue name, so when you click on my name, it has my profile. Pretty straightforward. But there are other blue name people who have a red “G+” next to their name. When you click to see their stuff, there’s nothing but their name – no info, no email address, no nothing. At least for me. Many times I’ve wanted to email someone to continue a discussion that others would not be interested in, clicked on their blue name, and gotten a profile that seems like it has no information.


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3. Bronze Bundle discount Note: Most promotional prices cannot be combined with promotional prices for other services. The regular rate for this service may apply if another promotional service is added to your cart. Offer expires 09/30/2019 and is available to new residential customers in Cox service areas. Offer is only available for new subscriptions to Cox Contour TV, Internet Preferred 150 and Cox Homelife service. Bundle rate increases $20/month for months 13 24.